– Creation Care, The Episcopal Church
The Creation Care Team’s mission is to bear witness through the people of the Diocese of Maine to the need for justice in our relations with all living things, with those on the margins who bear the brunt of climate change, and with all creation. We aim to advocate, network and inspire through education, action, and worship so that the diocese as a whole might fulfill its calling to care for creation.
For more information email Steve Ward.
Our Creation Care Team encourages all congregations in the diocese to assign an Earth Keeper to head up a team in their parish and we will be happy to suggest some ways the team could help their church to live out their Covenant to Care of Creation. We provide regular support and recommend that each Earth Keeper report on their work so that it can be shared with the whole diocese. Check out these updates on our blog. Do you know your church Earth Keeper? Here’s a list! FMI email the Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece at [email protected].
The Creation Care Team held its first meeting (known then as the Climate Justice Council) in February 2021. Made up of 9 members from across the state, the Team is busy at work. We drafted a climate resolution for Diocesan Convention. which was passed in October 2022. The Declaration of Climate Emergency and Encourage the Observance of the Season of Creation encourages all parishes to participate annually in the Season of Creation September 1 through October 4, to appoint an Earth Keeper to create a parish Covenant for Care of Creation, and to involve and invite the participation of young people. The Team provides Earth Keeper support and resources. We have also provided the Earth Week Liturgy you can find in the Resource Library, led several diocesan Sunday services, given a presentation at a Province I convocation and created a policy briefing for a meeting the Bishop attended with Senator Angus King. Legislative updates are provided by John Hennessy, who on behalf of the Council has submitted testimony in support of LD 480, a Constitutional amendment ensuring a right for all Mainers to a healthy environment, and other related legislation.
Creation Justice Ministries offers this daily devotional that runs from Ash Wednesday to Easter using the simple format of Scripture, short reflection, and prayer.
New small group curriculum for those interested in climate justice!
This tool provides demographic socioeconomic and environmental information for the geographic area you choose.
Steve Ward – Chair & Communications Coordinator & MEPPN Steering Committee Member (2025)
Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece – Vice-Chair & Earthkeeper Support (2025)
Sarah Braik – Secretary/Treasurer & MEPPN Steering Committee Member (2025)
Ben Barr (2025)
Rev. Jack Fles (2025)
Rev. John Elliot Lein (2025)
Marianne Pinkham (2025)
Meredith Tipton (2025)