“Love God; Love God’s World” is a nine-session, film-based curriculum designed for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.
Sessions have a similar structure to the popular Sacred Ground curriculum and include films and readings, faith-based reflections, and discussion questions—each written by a different contributor and drawing from personal contexts and experiences. Participants will discover ways to learn, pray, advocate, and conserve.
Find session titles, authors, and a sample session online; register your small group to get access to the full curriculum.
Families, individuals, and households from across the Episcopal Diocese of Maine are invited to celebrate the end of summer together for a weekend at Camp Bishopswood. There is free diocese-wide programming during the day on Saturday with optional camping. Mark your calendars for September 26-28 in 2025. Look for information about this chance to meet Episcopalians from around the diocese and to be with God in an intergenerational community!
Throughout the academic year, the Sewanee School of Theology hosts a series of lunch and learn webinars led by faculty. The sessions are held at noon Central Time (1 p.m.) and are free and open to all. Learn more and register here.
Have you ever experienced a “God-incident” in your life and wanted to share it but weren’t sure where or with whom? Perhaps this has so spilled over into your daily life, you want to talk about it with others, but find it difficult at coffee hour.
If you feel God has been moving in your life, and you want to hear from others how God is moving in theirs, the Evangelism Task Force—a joint project of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine and Episcopal Church in New Hampshire—has a new opportunity and an invitation for you to share your story during Spirit Chats.
Several groups have met and more sessions are being scheduled in 2025! Email the Rev. Alanna Van Antwerpen to join this exciting movement with “Spirit Chats” in the subject line.
Discernment is for every one of us walking on the Way of Love, doing our best to figure out where God is calling us next. It is not just for those who wish to become deacons or priests. Discernment is listening for the voice of God in our big crossroads moments, as well as in our everyday decisions. Discernment is exploring our God-given gifts – even those that aren’t specifically “churchy.”
Have questions? Start a conversation and make an appointment with your priest or deacon to share your questions and thoughts.
As part of Bexley Seabury’s seminary-beyond-walls philosophy, they’ve launched Pathways to educate, form, and catalyze the Body of Christ to blaze new pathways for prophetic and pastoral service in response to God’s call. While there is a logic and sequence to the courses and programs available, all of the courses, workshops, events, and activities are designed so you can choose the combination and order that best suit your interests and needs.
Relationship with God is found through relationships with his people on earth; play your part and find meaning in life by discovering God’s purpose for the world.
Since 1975 and for over 30 years in the Diocese of Maine, EfM has offered an opportunity to discover how to respond to our call to Christian service. Graduates come to understand that serving God happens everywhere – not just in a worship setting. In coming to terms with the notion that everything we do has potential for manifesting the love of Christ, we discover that our ministry is within reach wherever we are.
Discover Christ. Discover Yourself. Discover Your Ministry.
The Wayfinders discernment ministry is based here in Maine, created and led by Commission on Ministry member Darreby Ambler. On a Wayfinders team, a small group of four to six people come together on a retreat to listen to where God might be calling each of them next. From that discernment, each chooses a goal to bring to life. Then for eight meetings afterward the teammates support each other and hold each other accountable as they take their first steps toward where God is calling them. Wayfinders teams build tremendous fellowship – and are just a lot of fun! Questions? Drop a note to Darreby Ambler.
Based in Kennebunk, Maine, Manresa Way – an Ignatian Spirituality Ministry leads retreatants through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Retreatants develop a closer, more personal relationship with Jesus, as well as an opportunity to discern God’s call. The spiritual exercises are offered as a retreat in the world: retreatants experience daily prayer using scripture as a guide, as well as meet once a week for 30 weeks from October to May. (Those weekly sessions include private time with your prayer guide.)
Contact the Reverend Gail Chandler for more information.
Adelynrood is a retreat center in Byfield Mass (a few miles over the NH line) owned and operated by The Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross. They offer women and men an opportunity to visit and to discover new resources for spiritual development through conferences and workshops, as well as individual or group retreats, and quiet days. Adelynrood also has private rooms available mid-May through September for individuals who would like to spend unstructured time in a community of prayer and hospitality.
The Alcyon Center is a non-denominational center for “cultivating contemplative action for the sake of the world.” Their offerings include:
• Personal Retreats
• Courses and Retreats in spiritual practice
• Contemplative Spiritual Direction Training
• Spring and Fall Volunteer Work Weeks
• Weekly Bible Reflection
• Monthly Quiet Day and Soul Friends
Download a copy of the discernment resources above as a pdf here.