As we approach General Convention in July 2022, we’d like to introduce you to a few of the deputies who will be representing the Episcopal Diocese of Maine in Baltimore. We will introduce our deputies in no particular order.
The Rev. Cn. Lisa Fry
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)? I have attended General Convention four times, once as a deputy.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention? It’s a wonderful opportunity to have voice and vote in the governance of the church. It’s also a wonderful time to connect and reconnect with people from all over the country.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year? Not any committees, but I am a member of the LGBTQ+ Caucus, and I’m co-sponsoring two resolutions through that organization.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore? Seeing convention from the very different perspective of the floor of the HOBD. Seeing friends from all over the country. And shopping — if they have it — which I hope they do!
The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin Shambaugh
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)? I attended the General Conventions in Columbus,OH (alternate), and in Indianapolis, Anaheim, and Salt Lake City as a delegate, so this is my 5th General Convention.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year? Church Governance and Leadership
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore? I love meeting and bonding with people from throughout the church across the US and the world, worshipping together, feeling that we are making a difference! I look forward seeing friends from throughout the church.
The Rev. Claudia Wyatt Smith
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)? This is my first year attending General Convention as a Deputy. However, I attended the 2000 Convention as a “guest” when it was held in Denver. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was an important part of my discerning a call to the priesthood. For years I wanted to have more involvement in the wider church, but couldn’t manage it with other commitments as a full-time rector on my own. That said, I am thrilled to finally be able to participate in the activities and process of the wider church that I love.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year? Given that this is my first year, I was not assigned to sit on any specific committees. That said, I look forward to being able to monitor the activities of many of them especially those working on liturgical change and adult (and clergy) formation.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore? Recalling my memories of attending as a guest, I am most looking forward to this time being a participant in the counsels of the church, drinking it all in, and then sharing the experience with others in Maine when I return!
Mark Spahr
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)? My first General Convention and first as a Deputy was in 2012 in Indianapolis. I also was a Deputy in 2015 (Salt Lake City), and 2018 (Austin). Baltimore marks my fourth time as a Deputy and my first as Chair.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention? When the House of Deputies is in session, it is the largest legislative body in the world with over 900 members. I enjoy watching and participating in the process of shaping the course of our church for the next triennium, and doing so while in the midst of so many faithful people. I also enjoy the opportunity to spend time with the other members of our deputation as we work together over an intense ten-day period.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year? I am not sitting on a committee this year.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore? General Convention is in many ways the biggest family reunion you have ever attended. It is always fun to see and catch up with people I have not seen since the last convention or even longer.
Sarah Braik
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)? This is my first year attending General Convention.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention? I love the opportunity to discuss racial equity, prayer book revision, liturgical reform, and other important aspects of our polity with other passionately committed Episcopalians and to do my part to encourage the Episcopal Church to more fully embody God’s Beloved Community.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year? I am not on a committee but I have been attending the hearings of the Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore? What I most look forward to in Baltimore is the opportunity to connect with Episcopalians from across the country and especially those from dioceses outside of the US.
Maine’s 2021-2022 General Convention Deputation
Lay Deputies
- Mark Spahr – St. Patrick’s, Brewer
- Dick Rozene – St. Ann’s, Windham
- Sarah Braik – Cathedral of St. Luke, Portland (attending in place of Susan Mayer – St. Margaret’s, Belfast)
- Liz Hall – Christ Church, Gardiner
Clerical Deputies
- The Rev. Claudia Smith, Retired
- The Very Rev. Ben Shambaugh, St. Luke’s, Portland
- The Ven. Aaron Perkins – St. George’s, York Harbor
- The Rev. Lisa Fry, St. Thomas, Camden