The Executive Committee of Province I is excited to announce the call of Will Harron to be the Coordinator of Province I.
Will is a member of Grace Episcopal Church in Amherst, Massachusetts and lives in Greenfield, Massachusetts. He holds a Master in Divinity degree from the Boston University School of Theology and spent two years in the Life Together Episcopal Service Corps in Boston before serving in several parishes and campus ministries in the greater Boston area from 2014-2019. In 2020 Will started the Young Adult Ministry Network in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts and he serves on the Episcopal Church Council of Advice for Young Adult and Campus Ministry.
Will envisions his ministry with Province I as connecting people to each other, supporting faithful networks across the seven dioceses of the Province by equipping them with resources and prayer. He has a special love for working with young adults and is deeply committed to nurturing the church through this time of transformation. In his spare time he loves backpacking and singing with the Sacred Harp community.