The legislature convened the second session this week and the schedule for public hearings and work sessions is already starting to fill up. All legislative committee work will be conducted virtually at least through January...
Loring House Task Force Report – October 24, 2023 The Loring House Task Force has concluded its charge to study the best and highest use for Loring House (143 State Street, Portland) which is the...
Province 1 Conference and Budget Meeting Monday, Dec. 16, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., on Zoom Registration is now open for the Province 1 2024 Winter Conference, which will feature elections for Provincial Executive Committee and...
Maine will be sending a delegation! Read through this Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) Frequently Asked Questions one-sheet for details! We hope this document will answer any questions you may have about EYE, and will excite...
Interested in exploring the roots of Anglican liturgy? Want to travel to England and tour some great cathedrals with St. Alban’s Episcopal Church and the Rev. Claudia Smith? They have 6 spots open and are...
Global mission is no longer the domain of professional missionaries, but has become the work of everyone in the church. We go on mission trips to build schools, clinics, and churches, participate in medical missions,...
The cheerful flyer with colorful graphics of winter hats, socks, and mittens invited Portland-area youth to spend an afternoon with the Youth Service Corps (YSC), shopping for warm accessories at Marden’s, followed by a visit...
The Midcoast Area churches (Area D) will be getting together for fun, fellowship and eating on Sunday, July 24, from 3:00 to 7:00 PM at Damariscotta Lake in Jefferson. Families of all sorts, please bring your games...
The deadline for submitting a resolution for diocesan convention is fast approaching (September 16th)! If you have an idea for a resolution — or want to learn more about the process — mark your calendar...
To Till and Keep the Earth A sermon preached at St. Brendan the Navigator Episcopal Church, Deer Isle, MaineFirst Sunday after Easter, Year C, April 24 2022 Celebrating Earth Day (April 22) Texts: Genesis 2:4b-25...