
Reading of the Passion for Palm Sunday on YouTube


The Passion According to St. Luke Thanks to several volunteers throughout the diocese, we are also delighted to share with you a Zoom reading of the Passion for Palm Sunday. The Passion will be made...


Ordination of Nancy Ludwig to the Priesthood


Nancy Ludwig will be ordained to the priesthood on Sunday, 19 February at Good Shepherd in Rangeley at 3:00 p.m. All are invited to attend. Clergy are invited to vest and process (red).


Sign-up Deadline: Exploring our Anglican Roots Pilgrimage October 2024


Interested in exploring the roots of Anglican liturgy? Want to travel to England and tour some great cathedrals with St. Alban’s Episcopal Church and the Rev. Claudia Smith? They have 6 spots open and are...


Sacred Ground Fall Launch with PB Curry


Sacred Ground Fall Launch Tue., Sept. 24, 1 – 2:30 p.m. On Zoom All Episcopalians are invited to join a fall program year launch event for Sacred Ground, the church’s 11-part, film- and readings-based dialogue series...

Blog Post

Election of the Presiding Bishop in 2024


The JNCPB is composed of 20 people. Five bishops were elected by the House of Bishops, and five clergy and five lay people were elected by the House of Deputies (Canon I.2.1.a). Two members between ages 16-21 were appointed by the president of the House of Deputies (Canon I.2.1.a). Three members were jointly appointed by the presiding bishop and House of Deputies president to ensure the cultural and geographic diversity of the church and skillsets needed for effective service on the committee (Canon I.2.1.c). The members serve a three-year term that concludes with the close of 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.


Reading of the Passion for Palm Sunday on Facebook


The Passion According to St. Luke Thanks to several volunteers throughout the diocese, we are also delighted to share with you a Zoom reading of the Passion for Palm Sunday. The Passion will be made...


Province I Christian Formation Winter Conference


Province 1 Christian Formation Network’s Winter 2023 Conference, Connection, Gathering, and Rest. This will be a retreat-style offering from the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 2, through the afternoon of Saturday, March 4, at...


Loring House Task Force 2023


Loring House Task Force Report – October 24, 2023 The Loring House Task Force has concluded its charge to study the best and highest use for Loring House (143 State Street, Portland) which is the...


Children and Youth



Exploring our Anglican Roots


Exploring our Anglican Roots: A Pilgrimage with St. Alban’s Episcopal Church Throughout our journey, we will be tracing the footsteps of history, from the medieval charm of Canterbury to the ancient mysteries of Stonehenge, and...