Blog Post

Holy Curiosity: A Message From the Bishops of Northern New England

Dear Episcopalians of Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, Today we celebrated a new milestone! Episcopalians from across Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire met on Zoom today for Maine’s Spring Training event, and during the program,...

Blog Post

Territorial and Land Acknowledgements used by congregations in Maine

St. Alban, Cape Elizabeth Land Acknowledgement Our baptismal vows call us to respect the inherent dignity of Wabanaki people and culture and to lament the historic sins committed by governments and institutions against them. The...


RENEW: Gathering to Support & Reimagine Godly Play Going Forward

RENEW: Gathering to Support & Reimagine Godly Play Going Forward Saturday, March 11 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. James Episcopal Church, 120 Main Street, Amesbury, MA Join the Circle! Godly Players from northern New...


An Advent of Wonder (2023)

Share in the quiet wonder of the Advent season with Godly Play as we prepare our hearts and minds for the One who is coming, and who is already here. In this gentle series, caregivers...


Lay Liturgical Ministry

A communicant in good standing, may be licensed by the Bishop to serve as Worship Leader, Preacher, Eucharistic Minister, or Eucharistic Visitor. Requirements and guidelines for the selection, training, continuing education, and deployment of lay ministers, and the duration of licenses shall be established by the Bishop in consultation with the Commission on Ministry.


Celebration of New Ministry: St. George’s, Sanford and the Rev. Tim Higgins


Public Conversation with Carter Heywood

Wednesday, September 21 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm; Online The Maine Council of Churches and The BTS Center have invited world-renowned theologian and Episcopal priest, Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward (one of the “Philadelphia 11” women ordained...


New System for Assessment and Episcopate Fees

In 2024, the diocese is changing the way assessment and episcopate fees are managed by moving away from spreadsheets and into a database system. The information below explains the changes and improvements, how to access...

Blog Post

Nominating Committee presents profile for 28th Presiding Bishop

Nominating Committee Calls for Names The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop issued a letter (see below) to the church announcing the availability of the “Profile for the Election...


United Thank Offering (UTO)

United Thank Offering (UTO) The United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that encourages the personal spiritual practice of gratitude in support of the mission of the whole church. UTO encourages people...