United Thank Offering (UTO)

The United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that encourages the personal spiritual practice of gratitude in support of the mission of the whole church. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings, make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box, and bless others when those offering are distributed in UTO grants. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.


Traditionally, UTO Ingatherings were held in parishes on the Sunday closest to Ascension or the Sunday closest to All Saints Day. But it’s always a time to give thanks! So anytime your congregation can schedule an Ingathering is great! For gifts to count toward 2021, funds must be received before December 11th.

Where should our Ingathering and Memorial Gift & Trust Fund checks be sent?

Please mail ingathering and donations to the Memorial Gift & Trust Fund to:

United Thank Offering
DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church US
P.O. Box 958983
St. Louis, MO 63195-8983

For the street address to send funds via FedEx or UPS, please contact Heather Melton, Staff Officer, The United Thank Offering.

Please make checks payable to “DFMS” with “UTO” in the memo line.

You can also donate online! Make your gift here: https://unitedthankoffering.com/give/ or through the Diocese of Maine’s online giving portal here.


UTO boxes, donations envelopes, brochures, and more

Order supplies, including Blue Boxes, stickers, tattoos, note cards, donation envelopes, and brochures, at https://shimaofnavajoland.com/collections/United-Thank-Offering

Prayers, posters, reports, grant information, and more


You can also find liturgical resources such as litanies of thanksgiving, litanies for Ingatherings, and sample sermons and formation materials such as the November Gratitude Challenge, Gratitude Scavenger Hunt, Gratitude Phone Challenge, “Godly Play” style UTO story, how to turn your Blue Box into a turkey for Thanksgiving, and much more!