O God of life and love and peace,
We witness the violence and injustice in your Holy Land
And our hearts break.

Our hearts break for the people of Palestine and Israel
For the victims of violent attacks by Hamas
For those who live with fear and insecurity
For those who suffer from the inter-generational trauma of violence

For the victims of violent attacks by the Israeli military

For those being denied water, electricity, and medical care

For those who are refugees, long displaced from their homes.

We especially pray—
That weapons of war be laid down
That walls of separation be dismantled
That prisoners be released
That demonizing of “the other” cease
That political leaders seek the good of all people in Israel and Palestine

O God, whose heart breaks for the world,
Rain down justice to dwell in the land
Let righteousness abide in fruitful fields
Give quietness and trust forever
And may the effect of justice be peace—enduring peace.

We pray in your holy name and because of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace.


(Adapted from the Mennonite Central Committee by Bishop Thomas J. Brown, June 2024)