The Parish Administrators’ Collaborative (PAC) of the Diocese of Maine is a community of professionals who support one another, share knowledge and resources, and support the ministry of our congregations and the mission of the Church.  Membership is open to the  parish administrator of each congregation in the diocese, whether paid or volunteer.  A “Parish Administrator” is defined as the one person in each church who is central to the overall administration of the congregation, including – but not limited to – office coordination, calendaring and appointments, secretarial work, preparation of materials, etc.

How to Connect with PAC:

* Come to a Zoom or In-Person meeting.  (f you are listed as a parish administrator, or similar position, on your church’s Annual Congregational Report, we will contact you!)

* Request to join our private Facebook group: 

* Email or call any of the Steering Committee members listed below. Say hello or share ideas!

Steering Committee: