- “Episcopal leaders respond to former President Donald Trump’s election to second term” ENS 11/6/2024
- “Multifaith prayer service held to mark one year since Lewiston mass shooting” WFVX 10/2/2024
- “Episcopal Diocese of Maine announces Mark Furlow as new Canon to the Ordinary” Episcopal News Service 8/1/2024
- “‘The Philadelphia 11’ features a pioneering group of female clergy, including from Maine” Portland Press Herald 5/6/2024
- “Building community, one load of laundry at a time” Portland Press Herald 2/20/2024
- “Maine church leaders call for gun violence prevention, weekend of prayer” Portland Press Herald 2/16/2024
- “Opinion: Together we can confront gun idolatry in Maine” Portland Press Herald 2/16/2024
- “Bishop Gene Robinson: ‘God called me out of the closet.’” CBS Sunday Morning 1/21/2024
- “Bishop of Maine sees hope in Congressman’s gun-law U-turn after Lewiston massacre” Church Times 11/1/2023
- “Church leaders hold prayer vigil for Mainers affected by Lewiston shooting” Portland Press Herald 10/27/2023
- “Creation Care installs water fountains in Belfast” Waldo Village Soup 10/17/2023
- “Historic Gardiner church seeks to fix tower that houses Revere bell” Spectrum News 8/14/2023
- “World-renowned musician James Kennerley to join Falmouth church this fall” The Forecaster 7/11/2023
- “Guest Dignitaries Fill St. John’s Church with Spirit” The Herald 6/15/2023
- “Diocese of Maine Announces Tina Pickering as New Canon to the Ordinary” Episcopal News Service 2/9/2023
- “Closed Maine church becomes housing, community center for immigrants” Episcopal News Service 2/2/2023
- “After 100 years in service, Trinity Episcopal Church reinventing into community center” WMTW-TV 1/30/2023
- “Elizabeth Strout’s merciful judgement” featuring comments by Bishop Thomas Brown The Church Times 12/16/2022 & Podcast
- “Beirut Boys Return to Maine for Another Year of Schooling” The Living Church 9/23/2022
- “‘A wave of love’: Episcopal bishops join march in support of LGBTQ+ inclusion in Canterbury” Episcopal News Service 7/27/2022
- “Episcopal bishop of Maine attending Anglican conference, but his husband was ‘expressly disinvited’” 7/20/2022
- “Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont bishops to assist each other’s dioceses” Episcopal News Service 5/16/2022
- “Clark named Canon for Communications in Diocese of Maine” Episcopal News Service 3/31/2022
- “Mainers gather in Portland to pray for peace in Ukraine” Portland Press Herald 2/27/2022
- “Maine Episcopalians voice support for bill that would restore Wabanaki sovereignty” Episcopal News Service 2/22/2022
- “Maine Compass: Rectifying a grievous injustice against Wabanaki tribes” CentralMaine.com 2/9/2022
- “Gay, lesbian bishops meet online with archbishop of Canterbury ahead of Lambeth Conference” Episcopal News Service 1/11/2022
- “Transgender priests ask church to ‘live fully into’ LGBTQ+ inclusion during Executive Council plenary session” Episcopal News Service 1/26/2022