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Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery 

The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery calls on the Christian Church to address the extinction, enslavement, and extraction done in the name of Christ on Indigenous lands.

Episcopal Indigenous Justice Roundtable

A time to connect and share updates across the network.

MONTHLY! Join on Zoom. Email [email protected] for Zoom link. 3rd Tuesdays,  2pm EST

Episcopal Groups and Indigenous Justice Organizing

Indigenous Allies (Boulder County Episcopal Churches and others) Is working with the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery to block the destruction of Apache sacred land for the construction of a copper mine. They are working within the diocese of Colorado and are seeking to form a network of churches working with Indigenous People in Colorado. 

Truth and Conciliation Commission (Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon) has repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery.  The commission has created Indigenous partnerships and working groups to further the work of repudiation. Their website has great resources on all aspects of their work

Equal Justice Task Force (Episcopal Church in Wyoming) Has two ministries on the Wind River reservation.  Their special emphasis is on the “contextualization of the Christian faith with Native American spiritual traditions, thereby facilitating Indigenous expressions of faith from which all can benefit.”

Uintah School Trailer (Episcopal Diocese of Utah) The Diocese of Utah offers this podcast about this school, and with it “a powerful hope for reconciliation that follows over a century of cultural genocide at the hands of the government and religious run Indian Schools in this podcast that explores the findings of the documentary “Tuniyay”—”to tell the story.”

Do you know of other Episcopalian groups who should be represented here? Email Doe Hoyer, [email protected] 

Coalition Indigenous Justice Campaigns

Support Apache Stronghold and Protect Oak Flat (Arizona)

Known in Apache as Chi’chil Biłdagoteel, Oak Flat is a sacred site cared for by the Western Apache from time immemorial. This land holds historic, religious, and cultural significance for the Apache people, but it is in danger of being destroyed by the mining company Resolution Copper. Apache Stronghold has been engaged in a legal battle to protect this sacred land, but on March 1st the Ninth Circuit Court (6-5) found against Apache Stronghold. The next and final stage of their court case: filing an appeal before the United States Supreme Court. Learn more: Amicus Briefs to Protect Oak Flat 

Maya Solidarity (Campeche, Mexico)

The Colectivo In Laak Le Ixiimó (CILLI) is a group of Maya seed-savers, organizing to improve the health and wellbeing of Yook’ol Kab (the land-water interrelationship that sustains the world). The phrase Colectivo In Laak Le Ixiimó can be understood in English as the Our Sibling, Corn Collective. Together with a working group composed of representatives from the Coalition’s Structural Change Committee we have coordinated joint campaigns, webinars, and strategic media outreach.

Indian Recovery Act – State Legislative Campaign (Minnesota)

Proposal: A fee attached to every real estate sale in Minnesota will go to support Native programs as determined by Native people. A fund would be financed by a 5/100ths of a percent (0.05%) fee on all real estate transactions. As an example, the fee on the sale of a $250,000 home would be $125. Based on the total value of all real estate transactions in recent years, the amount generated for Native programs would be between $25-40 million annually.

Use of funds: Examples for use of funds might include: Language and Culture revitalization, Education, Health Services, Purchase of Traditional Lands, Community and Heritage Centers. Guidelines would be determined by a governance board. Proposals for use of funds would be accepted from Native organizations in Minnesota, both on-reservation and off-reservation.

The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery and the Minnesota Repair Communities for Makoce Ikikcupi are calling upon faith-based and other communities to support the Indian Recovery Act whenever it is introduced, hopefully in the 2025 legislative session. We are seeking as many represented faith and other communities as possible for future in-person meetings, in-person testimony, and written support. 

Episcopal Resolutions on Boarding Schools

  • Commitment to investigate The Episcopal Church’s involvement with Native Boarding schools. EC MW062 
  • Create a fact-finding commission to conduct research on Indigenous residential boarding schools  A127 Commission 

Episcopal Resolution on Oak Flat 

Episcopal Resolutions on the Doctrine of Discovery

Other Episcopal Resolutions related to Indigenous People

Write a Land Acknowledgement 

More Resources for Education