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Monday, July 29—the feast of St. Mary and St. Martha—was the actual date on which three retired Episcopal bishops ordained 11 women priests at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia. In light of this historic anniversary, and because of Resolution C023 passed at General Convention, you may use these Propers for either 28 July or 4 August, or any other Sunday you choose.

I: O God of Persistent Grace, who didst call the Philadelphia Eleven to the priesthood and didst grant them courage and boldness to respond, thereby opening the eyes of thy church to the giftedness and equality of all: grant us so to hear, trust, and follow thy Holy Spirit wheresoever she may lead, that the gifts of all thy people may flourish throughout the earth, through Christ our Savior. Amen.

II: O God of Persistent Grace, you called the Philadelphia Eleven to the priesthood and granted them courage and boldness to respond, thereby opening the eyes of your church to the giftedness and equality of all: grant us so to hear, trust, and follow your Holy Spirit wherever she may lead, that the gifts of all your people may flourish throughout the earth, through Christ our Savior. Amen.

Preface of Baptism
Exodus 1:15-21
Sirach 1:4-15 (in place of the Psalm)
Galatians 3:23-29
Luke 24:1-11