The prayer below was inspired by Episcopal Peace Fellowship‘s Peace Out.
“Never Again – Promises”
Dear God, who creates, saves, blesses, and sustains us, these things we promise for this day and forever more:
Never again shall we see another person as an enemy.
Never again shall we place our hope in power.
Never again shall we use violence against another person.
Never again shall we build walls to keep others out.
Never again shall we raise our hand in anger against others.
Never again shall we rob others of their dignity.
Never again shall we judge others by the color of their skin.
Never again shall we treat people differently based on the color of their skin or ethnicity.
Never again shall we take from others what is rightfully theirs.
Never again shall we make others ashamed of their heritage.
Never again shall we make judgements about another’s gender identity.
Never again shall we blame another person or group for our own failings.
Never again shall we forget that we are all One People.
Never again shall we forget that we are all brothers and sisters.
Never again shall we forget that a person’s worth lies in their heart.
Never again shall we refuse to listen to one another’s stories.
Never again shall we forget to love others as you love us.
Never again shall we forget that we belong to you.
Never again shall we fail to recognize every other person as your beloved child.
Never again shall we forget to see ourselves caretakers of your whole creation.
Never again, Creator, shall we forget that you made us as we are, all colors,
shapes and sizes, and said, “Wow! Look at that. Now that is good!”
This is an example of an “Unfinished” Prayer. We are all invited to add our own “Never Again” to it until we all stand with one another in love and solidarity before the God who made us. Amen
© by The Rev. Stephanie Batterman 2023, Deacon, Grace Episcopal Church, Bath
Member of Episcopal Peace Fellowship – ME