Home > Blog > A look at General Convention #81 in KY
A very happy Bishop of Maine with the Bishop of Washington returning to the convention center after electing Bishop Sean W. Rowe 28th Presiding Bishop. #GC81
House of Bishops welcomes young people—including two from Maine—working to address gun safety! #GC81
Maine marching with Bishops United Against Gun Violence #GC81
Youth Working to End Gun Violence #GC81
Deputy Rev. Lauren Kay #GC81 (Photo credit: Randall Gornowich)
Floor of #GC81
All set! HOD #GC81
Bishop Brown #GC81 (Photo credit: Randall Gornowich)
Camp Day! Mainers in their Bishopswood gear. #GC81
Maine Team & Leaders – Youth Working to End Gun Violence #GC81
The Maine Team & Leaders – Youth Working to End Gun Violence #GC81
Youth Working to End Gun Violence learning faith-based advocacy at #GC81
Youth Working to End Gun Violence, an event sponsored by Bishops United Against Violence that involves more than 45 young people and 20 youth leaders from 14 dioceses, at Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville. Photo by Sophia Kirby. #GC81
The Rev. Joshua Hill, Bishop Thomas Brown, John Hennessy, Mark Spahr, and the Rev. Lauren Kay at first night activities #GC81
Revival at the YUM Center photo from Josh Hill
“In Pride month at The General Convention of The Episcopal Church such a joy to be with the LGBTQIA 🏳️🌈 Bishops of the church!” from Bishop Deon Johnson #GC81
The Rev. Gwen Fry and the Rev. Lauren Kay. Photo from Gwen Fry
Revival with PB Michael Curry. Photo from Josh Hill
Catherine Mansir of Christ Church, Gardiner serving as part of the Official Youth Presence at #GC81
The Rev. Cn. Ramelle McCall (Dio SC)smiling with Bishop Thomas Brown #GC81
Our Maine Deputation with Bishop Brown at #GC81
How to find the Maine deputation #GC81
Emily Keniston, Dir. of Faith Formation,, and Bishop Brown on PB election day #GC81
Deputy Tess Judge of East Tennessee represents a delegation from the Deputies announcing to the bishops the confirmation of the election. #GC81
Bishop Brown reads from Romans at Morning Prayer #GC81
The Maine Deputation
Deputy Christian Clough! #GC81
Deputies Mark Spahr, Rev. Kerry Mansir, and Dick Rozene #GC81
Maine Youth Working to End Gun Violence learning faith-based advocacy and presenting their plans to reduce gun violence #GC81
All of the candidates for presiding bishop #GC81
Presiding Bishop-Elect Sean Rowe walks with bishop colleagues on the morning of June 26, (Photo credit: Randall Gornowich) #GC81