Several years ago, our youth decided it was time to start introducing ourselves with our pronouns. At the time, we were meeting in person for full-weekend events. We’d put out plastic nametags, and youth could write their pronouns with dry erase markers.
Why dry erase? Because our Episcopal Maine youth recognized that as their relationships grew over the weekend, they might be ready to write different pronouns on their nametags.
We preach and teach and pray to a God of love. And, we recognize that leaning into the identity that God is calling us to live into isn’t always easy. Our binary-focused society doesn’t make it easy.
Today, we’re showcasing photos of youth, young adult, and adults who work with youth all sharing their pronouns. Because our youth are not alone on this journey. You are not alone on this journey.
There is a chorus of saints surrounding you, walking with you and before you and behind you.
Whatever your pronouns, wherever you are on the journey, know that you are loved. You belong.