In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned about the global climate emergency, drawing from a range of approaches for our diverse contexts, we commit to form and restore loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with all of Creation.

LOVING FORMATION For God’s sake, we will grow our love for the Earth and all of life through preaching, teaching, storytelling, and prayer.
LIBERATING ADVOCACY For God’s sake, standing alongside marginalized, vulnerable peoples, we will advocate and act to repair Creation and seek the liberation and flourishing of all people.
LIFE-GIVING CONSERVATION For God’s sake, we will adopt practical ways of reducing our climate impact and living more humbly and gently on Earth as individuals, households, congregations, institutions, and dioceses.


For God’s sake, we will grow our love for the Earth and all of life through preaching, teaching, storytelling & prayer.

Celebrate Earth Day and Season of Creation annually in liturgy, and youth and adult formation, including

  • a September harvest supper made with local food to raise sustainability awareness
  • a September series of four nature walks to learn about the plants, animals, geology and hydrology of our local watershed in collaboration with St. Albans


For God’s sake, standing alongside marginalized, vulnerable peoples, we will advocate and act to repair Creation and seek the liberation and flourishing of all people.

  • Inform parishioners about educational events about environmental racism, eco-justice and environmental justice
  • Encourage parishioners to subscribe to the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) and Maine Episcopal Public Policy Network (MEPPN) to learn about and support church policy
  • Plan a multigenerational environmental service project
  • Continue monthly eco tips on environmental advocacy
  • Advocate for local, state and federal environmental policy through letters to members of Congress and to the editors of local newspapers from the St. Luke’s Public Policy and Environmental Action Team, as well as regular attendance at City Council meetings to support and testify for environmental sustainability relating to land use and other related issues, including support of One Climate Future.


  • For God’s sake, we will adopt practical ways of reducing our climate impact and living more humbly and gently on Earth as individuals, households, congregations, institutions, and dioceses.
  • Promote Congregational participation in the Carbon Tracker: Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home
  • Organize workshops in use of the tracker
  • Report progress to the congregation every quarter, including number of households participating and tons of greenhouse gasses saved
  • Compost waste through Garbage to Garden, including waste from the kitchen, the food pantry and the discarded flowers
  • Encourage members of the congregation to sign the Interfaith Power and Light pledge to cut emissions by 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2040
  • Wherever possible, source altar flowers locally, including parishioner’s gardens, especially during Season of Creation Continue discussing ways to reduce plastic bag use at St. Elizabeth’s
  • Work with Buildings and Grounds to develop a workable recycling program