Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Maine (EPF-ME) members have been focused on sharing information about EPF with the diocese. We recently participated in a diocese-wide Town Hall where others joined us to ask questions about EPF-ME. As the convener for EPF-ME, I am a member of the Justice Commission which works with 4 other groups to work on specific areas such as legislative issues, Israel/Palestine, gun safety, and Indian Affairs. We meet quarterly as a group to discuss all of these issues. Our EPF Chapter meets monthly online. We encourage our members to write letters, call their senators and representatives on important issues like the ones I just mentioned. We are a small group but work hard to bring awareness to each of these issues. As a member of EPF-National I have gotten involved with the GVP group and I also work with MOM’s along with several of our members to promote gun safety issues.
I became involved with EPF-ME when I attended a series of talks about Israel/Palestine and have been involved for about 6 years. 2 years ago EPF-ME sponsored Sacred Ground for the diocese and we also worked with the Diocese to bring 2 young men from Lebanon to Maine to study. One of the young men has now gone on to college here in Maine and his brother will be heading to college at the end of this year.
We have helped with grants for AFEDJ and do our best to continue sharing our story with the Diocese. We enjoy diocesan support, with a bishop who has offered us opportunities to participate in projects not of our own making but with diocesan impact. We have a diocesan staff liaison assigned to us who attends meetings and keeps us informed on state legislation and diocesan events and committees oriented to justice issues. We appreciated very much being visited by the Exec—director of EPF, Melanie Atha, which strengthened our ties with the national administration.
Read more here. Questions about our work or want to get involve? Please email.