Eclipse strengthens ties between Houlton and its namesake town in England
Join Church of the Good Shepherd in Houlton, Maine to see one of the true wonders of living in this solar system of God’s creation! In celebration of the total eclipse of the sun on Mon., April 8, Good Shepherd will be serving “The Maine Experience” dinner with a lobster roll, bag of Aroostook County potato chips, a whoopie pie, and a bottle of water Saturday (April 6) , Sunday (April 7), and Monday (April 8) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Good Shepherd is also one of four churches in town with an organ listed in the National Registry of Historical Organs! Organist Susan Laurence will lead an organ tour visiting all four churches, giving some history and a brief concert at each stop, then walking on to the next. The tour starts at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Sat., April 6 at 2 p.m.
The congregation will have special visitors on Monday from Houlton, UK, a brand new town in the midlands of England that’s named after Houlton, Maine! Their connection is the first transatlantic voice broadcast in 1927, transmitted from Rugby Radio Station towers located at the site of the new town to a 14 mile long antenna in Houlton, Maine. Their guests are members of St Gabriel’s Anglican Church in Houlton, UK.
Join them for worship at 8:30 a.m. on Sun., April 7.
Please pray for safety and patience for the community of greater-Houlton and for people traveling there to witness the eclipse.
Read about the preparations for the eclipse by the churches in Aroostook County in this Bangor Daily News’ article.
Learn more in The County.
Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash