
June 7 - 9, 2024



Every year on the first Friday in June, members of the movement against gun violence come together to honor survivors of gun violence and to demand a future free from this crisis. Moms, students, veterans, survivors, and others wear orange throughout the weekend to show their support—in every state across the country.

Wear Orange originated on June 2, 2015—what would have been Hadiya Pendleton’s 18th birthday. Just one week after performing at President Obama’s 2nd inaugural parade in 2013, she was shot and killed at the age of 15. In the aftermath, teenagers in Chicago who wanted to honor their friend wore orange to raise awareness around gun violence.

Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine wishes to honor Hadiya and the more than 110 people shot and killed every day in the United States. Every parish in the Diocese of Maine is encouraged to join in National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend June 7-9. Show our support for prevention of gun violence!

Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine

Litany in the Aftermath of Gun Violence