Episcopal Diocese of Maine’s Annual Chrism Eucharist with Renewal of Vows and Blessing of Holy Chrism
All are invited to join us for Chrism Mass on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at St. Mary 43 Foreside Street, Falmouth from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Carpooling is encouraged.
The day will include a renewal of ordination vows for clergy and baptismal promises for laity and the blessing and distribution of holy chrism.
Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, Bishop of Maine
Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Libby Catania
10 a.m. Morning Hospitality
11 a.m. Eucharist/Blessing of Holy Chrism, Renewal of Vows*
12 p.m. Lunch & Discussion with Bishop Brown
All are welcome! Registration is free but required.
We ask that everyone take precautions against spreading COVID, the flu, and other diseases. If you are feeling sick and think you might be contagious, stay home. Please wear a mask if you start to feel sick or have been around anyone who has been sick recently. Masks will be provided.
*The worship service at 11 a.m. will be livestreamed on S. Mary’s Facebook page. Click here to watch.
Church of Saint Mary 43 Foreside Rd Falmouth,
04107United States