
Saturday, September 23, 2023


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM



You’re invited to a “Taste and See” opportunity on Saturday, September 30th, from 9 am to 3 pm, with Godly Play trainer, Nancy St. John. The morning will be spent building the circle and participating in a full Godly Play Session, with time to wonder and respond. Attendees will then have time to reflect and enjoy a lunch. The afternoon will continue on for program volunteers and leaders in order to dive in deeper. Participants will learn the roles of storyteller and doorperson, how to set up the circle for success, and how to facilitate the “wondering” that anchors Godly Play. Please RSVP by September 23rd to Amber.


St. Alban Episcopal Church
885 Shore Road
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 United States