
How to Update Your Church Listing on the Episcopal Asset Map

Update your church listing online for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.


Supply Clergy

Supply Clergy Guidelines are intended to be a helpful tool for people in congregations who are responsible for working with clergy filling-in, as well as to serve as a resource for members of the clergy themselves.


Serving on the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee

Serving on a vestry is an important ministry for the health and well-being of a church. It can bring with it questions and challenges, as well as rewards. The Diocese of Maine wants to help helps wardens and vestries find resources necessary to fulfill their responsibilities. Wardens and vestries are also encouraged to share ideas and to help one another.  


Mutual Study of Ministry (MSM)

For many years, the Bishop’s Office has encouraged congregations to conduct a Mutual Study of Ministry (MSM) every few years. An agreement to do an MSM about 18 months into the new priest’s tenure is...


Bishop Brown asks leaders to discuss resuming pre-pandemic Eucharistic practices

Excerpted from The Pine Tree Clergy Newsletter, 17 October 2022: “At clergy day on 27 September, I asked clergy who oversee congregations to begin conversations with lay leaders about when and how to resume pre-pandemic Eucharistic practices. I...


Areas of the Diocese

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is divided into six Areas made up of groups of congregations. Diocesan Council, a decision-making body of the Diocese of Maine, is comprised of two elected members from each of the six diocesan Areas. New clergy members are elected to Council at a Pre-Convention Hearing in advance of Convention in October.




Lay Liturgical Ministry

A communicant in good standing, may be licensed by the Bishop to serve as Worship Leader, Preacher, Eucharistic Minister, or Eucharistic Visitor. Requirements and guidelines for the selection, training, continuing education, and deployment of lay ministers, and the duration of licenses shall be established by the Bishop in consultation with the Commission on Ministry.


Supporting your College Students for Congregations and Individuals

Province 1 Conversations with Noted Speakers: Supporting your College Students and Becoming a Supportive Congregation for College Students Thursday, February 16 online @ 7pm Led by the Rev. Nancy Vogele Nancy Vogele is an Episcopal...


Background Checks for Employees

Clergy background checks are conducted through Oxford Document Management Company by the diocese when there is a new priest called to serve a congregation.The results are sent to the diocese for the bishop’s review. The...